Many patients book an appointment for their excruciating heel pain. We take many steps in a day, making it hard to ignore this issue!

Although not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis, I thought I would sum up some common findings and recommendations:

Typical presentation: Patient presents with heel pain, typically worse after some form of rest (i.e. waking up in the morning or sitting for long periods of time). Pain is localized more towards the inside of the heel.

Why does it occur? MOST, if not ALL, issues causing plantar fasciitis have to do with improper foot mechanics. If this is not addressed, you can book yourself in for the next 6 months, and we will see you again for this in the future. IMPROPER FOOTWEAR. I repeat, IMPROPER FOOTWEAR is the most common cause of this problem! By addressing this issue alone, you will see a significant improvement. This can mean through a CUSTOM foot orthotic (which is a service we provide at the office), and avoiding terrible shoes that have no support (you would be surprised at what people show me as “good shoes”… they are usually not!!).

Here is what to expect from treatment:

-Gait and feet will be analyzed/assessed
-Acupuncture to calves, Achilles, plantar fascia
-Laser therapy to plantar fascia
-Shockwave therapy to plantar fascia
-Soft tissue release to arches and calves
-Tape for arch support and to decrease forces to area

Other important recommendations and changes to make:
-Don’t walk around bare foot! Always wear a supportive shoe in the house. I usually recommend something like a Croc. (Not so fashionable I know, but nobody has to see them).
-Get custom orthotics (done at our office)
-Wear supportive shoes
-Insert gel heel cups in your shoes to help disperse forces
-Self-massage your arches after you’ve been sitting or sleeping before you take your first step
-Do calf and plantar fascia stretches
-Rule out a bone spur via X-ray (we can send you for that!)
-Potentially need to decrease weight (a lot of pressure through joints of feet)

One thing I can tell you is that you cannot solve this problem without the experienced hands of a professional therapist! The longer you wait, the increased chances it will become chronic and harder to treat. It can also lead to bone spurs in the heel.