A common misunderstanding that is associated with Chiropractors, is people believe that once they start attending treatments, they will be roped into having treatments forever. In my experience, my patients come back because they know they are getting RESULTS, and most often it is for a NEW issue, not the same old recurring issue that won’t go away.

So here’s the deal…
I have different types of patients; they range from the “help me now!” patient, who tend only to call when they are crippled over in pain, to the “let’s fix this before it gets worse” patient, whose issues never seem to get to the point of incapacitating pain because they are managing it properly. Everyone has different needs, body requirements, pain histories, and mentalities toward getting better. So where do YOU fit along this spectrum?

The problem with the patient who comes in just for a quick fix, is what is happening to your tissues from leaving an injury untreated. Scar tissue buildup, accelerated onset of arthritic changes, tears to tissues, decreased mobility and increased stiffness….etc!! The problem here is that once you have even a small injury to an area, the damage has been done and intervention must take place. If not, these issues become HARDER to treat and take longer to fix. So, the problem is that you think you are saving yourself some time and money in the short term, but you are actually causing more irreversible effects in the long-term, which just means you will be seeing more of me later on. So what I like to tell patients is that it is better to be a bit more preventative now and it will save you (time, money, and pain) later!

So you have 2 choices:
· Come in when your pain gets to be too much to handle
· PROS: Fewer visits in the SHORT term
· CONS: More visits in the LONG term. More long-term issues. More detrimental, chronic changes to your tissues, causing more damage such as quicker onset of arthritis, tears in tissues, scar tissue build-up… and the list goes on! Become dependent on chiropractor later in life.
· Come in at a frequency tailored to your needs
· PROS: Saves you money in the long-term and less pain in your life!!!!!!!!!!!
· CONS: You get to hang out with me at a regular frequency (Isn’t that a Pro?)

Be assured that your treatment plan will be tailored to your needs, and you will be well-informed about what the expectation is for you. My goal is to get you back to your normal activity and daily function as soon as possible. I will always be honest about what is optimal for YOU, however in the end, it is YOUR decision about where you would like to be with regards to having chiropractic treatments in your health and wellness picture.

When you do need me, be confident that I can get you back to pain-free the fastest!

So which type of patient do YOU want to be?